Benkosoft Security

Data Protection
We think that data protection is the most important part of any business and we put a lot of effort for the perfect solution.

Tortor Risus
Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Proin eget tortor risus.

Molstie Lacinia
Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Proin eget tortor risus.

Award winning Team
We had won “Best Security team of 2023” among countless awards regarding our teams performance.

Justo Lacinia
Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Proin eget tortor risus.

Amet Sit
Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Proin eget tortor risus.

Threat detection
We are always trying to be one step ahead of every thread a business can face, so we use the most advanced and newest technology.

Vivamus Magna
Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Proin eget tortor risus.

Donec Sed At
Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Proin eget tortor risus.
We Serve a Variety of Businesses & Industries
Every business deserves a good security but we don’t just offer a good security, we offer the best security. We have worked with small private businesses to goverment owned banks and even healtcare to give the protection they deserve.

Online Stores

Health Care


Contact Us
+381 063 261435
Marka Miljanova 45, Ada Serbia
Monday-Friday: 0-24
Get Started
Good work, good people, good price.